Twitter is a popular social network just like the popular ones you probably already know. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest , and the rest of them. But Twitter is a little bit different from them. Twitter is more suitable for business owners, although it is also suitable for celebrities and influencers.

In fact, Twitter is a pioneering social network by being the first to introduce a particular feature that wasn’t existing in any social network before it came.
A Little History Of Twitter
Twitter was founded in 21, March 2006 by Jack Dorsey, an American Entrepreneur and Computer Programmer.
Twitter was founded in 21, March 2006 by Jack Dorsey, an American Entrepreneur and Computer Programmer.
Twitter was founded in San Francisco, California, United States, and it remains its Headquarters till date.
Here is how twitter looked in the early versions.

Twitter has changed since then and here is the new twitter.
How Twitter Works
Visit and sign up to get started. You may need an email confirmation or mobile phone verification. After signing up, you get a twitter account, with a neat dashboard, and twitter handle.
Visit and sign up to get started. You may need an email confirmation or mobile phone verification. After signing up, you get a twitter account, with a neat dashboard, and twitter handle.
You have to upload an image on your timeline, that represents you or your brand.
Share your twitter handle with your friends, they can find you and follow you with that.
Follow people who you are interested in their topics so that you can receive their news or updates on your feed.
Most of the times when you follow people, they will follow you back. So following people is a great way to get followers back on twitter. This works better if they are interested in your content.
Why Twitter is Good For Business
If you are a brand or business, then one of the best social networks you can use to get your business known is twitter.
If you are a brand or business, then one of the best social networks you can use to get your business known is twitter.
Twitter lets you follow people who are on the same niche with you and most of the times, 50% of these people will follow you back because they will be interested in your topic. You can also follow anyone you like, including people who are not on the same niche with you, but I don’t advise you to do that.
When anyone follows you on twitter, they receive any tweet (posts) you make on Twitter. Twitter has a retweet feature where these people can re-share your posts with their audience.
Most of the times if your content is great since you are in the same niche with them, they will retweet your post. These people could have many more followers than you so when they retweet your tweet, you get many more eyes on your business. You can call it the twitter ripple effect.
Twitter also lets them like your tweets. More than that, you can see the statistics of your tweets live on Twitter. How many people have seen your tweet, how many people clicked on your link (if it included a link) and more?
Starting from the left in the circled area is comment feature, retweet button, like button, and statistics button. The more retweets you get on Twitter, the better your brand gets known.
In summary, Twitter is a great social media platform that every business owner should have and use.
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